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    Printing and binding

    Colour and black and white digital printing.

    Fast binding service, good value, quality materials.

    Hardcovers, spiral and thermal binding.

    thesis binding

Price list of hard cover thesis binding

Quality imitation leather covers from 199 CZK.
Price includes 3 lines of text on cover - gold/silver!
B&W print 2,9 CZK/page, Colour print 10 CZK/page.
We have 6 speeds of service for binding – more than 3 days, 2 days, 24 hours, 4 hours, 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Binding in 3 days

From 199 CZK
Includes 3 lines of text on covers

Binding in 2 days

From 299 CZK
Includes 3 lines of text on covers

Binding in 24 hours

From 399 CZK
Includes 3 lines of text on covers
thesis binging costs

Binding in 4 hours

From 459 CZK
Includes 3 lines of text on covers

Binding in 2 hours

From 499 CZK
Includes 3 lines of text on covers

Expres binding (30 minutes)

From 599 CZK
Includes 3 lines of text on covers
colours of hard covers

Optional extras

Prices for thesis binding accessories.

Go to: hard cover book binging costs.
Go to: other binding option costs.

  • CD burning incl. CD - 90 CZK.
  • Each additional line of text on covers - 30 CZK.
  • Printing on spine - 100 CZK.
  • Printing of logo on hardcover- 50 CZK.
  • Correction (opening, rebinding) - 100 CZK.
  • CD pocket, corner sleeve - 26 CZK/pc.
  • Colour print - 10 CZK/page. B&W print - 2,9 CZK/page, whole thesis in colour - 6 CZK/page.

Printing and binding of thesis in Prague

If you are about to finish your thesis, bachelor's, doctoral or other work and you need to bind? You've come to the right place..

We are based in Žižkov - Chelčického 782/1, Prague 3. Pickup takes place in SOVA COPY. It is situated right by the tram stop at Lipanská under the steps.

We can help you with all your hardcover binding needs, but also with spiral and thermal binding or with staples. At Sova Copy we can also help you with all your digital printing, copying, laminating and scanning requirements in full colour and black and white up to size A3.

Our location on Google maps >>

Prague map - SOVA COPY - thesis binging

Spiral Binding

Some schools and universities allow students to submit their thesis using spiral binding to save students on costs. Spiral binding is available from 70 CZK.

Plastic spiral - 70 CZK/pcs

Metal spiral (wire) - 100 CZK

Thermal Binding / Staples

Some schools allow students to submit final thesis now using thermal binding. Thermal binding bonds pages to clear front and soft back covers.

Thermal binding 100 CZK

Printing brochures, stapling booklets into the spine.

2 staples in spine - 15 CZK

Printing, Scaning and Copying

It is often necessary to insert additional pages to the final thesis. In that case we can help with:.

Black and white copy - 2,9 CZK/page

Colour copy - 10 CZK/page

Scan - 6 CZK/page

satisfied clients

cups of coffee

to fill online order

days of binding thesises

Samples of completed theses

Such as printing and binding theses we do.

Thesis and Dissertations for both Czech and foreign universities.

Cover and binding samples

Below you can find samples of hard covers for binding.

You can choose from five kinds of hard covers: imitation leather in dark blue, black, burgundy, green and red.

If you have questions please contact us!

+420 602 565 265 or email: info@sovacopy.cz

Any inquiries or orders can also be sent using the order form below. Once received our staff will contact you promptly to confirm your requirements and order. Please leave a contact phone number if possible.